We depend on healthy ecosystems to survive and we desperately need to work toward a sustainable future.  Yesterday in Geneva, WWF brought together some of the most forward-thinking and great minds from around the world to speak about this goal and how we can reach it.  TEDxWWF was a thought-provoking, huge success and I hope you had the chance to listen to at least some of the speakers. There were many quotes throughout the day that really resonated, motivated, and inspired, including Jason Clay’s opening statement:
“In the next 40 years, we have to produce as much food as we have in the last 8,000.”
Wow. Thinking in these terms is a powerful way to get people moving on the right track toward sustainability. The TEDxWWF talks will be available for you to watch soon at this website.  Check them out and share them with your friends, relatives, and coworkers!