We just need the right power

By Rebecca Spring, Manager of Sustainable Transportation at WWF-Canada
Are you overwhelmed by Climate Change? Do you find yourself regularly shouting “BUT WHAT CAN I DO?” at the end of nature documentaries that show the environmental degradation that climate change is bringing?

Let’s face it, climate change is a big problem caused by many activities and sources. And we’re not going to sugar coat it – the solutions need to be just as big. We’re talking really, really big. Like getting to 100% renewable energy use in the next 38 years. By 2050 we envision a Canada that fully harnesses our abundance of solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy to use it to heat our homes and power our vehicles.

This big, hairy goal is what WWF Canada’s Climate and Energy team is working towards and we made this video to convince you to join us and start making and demanding big changes!