Where does your water come from?

It’s beginning to feel a lot like summer – the heat is upon us, days are longer, barbeques are sizzling, and birds are chirping away (even at five in the morning when you might prefer they sleep in a bit longer).
For many of us, summer is a time to reconnect with water. Our lakes and rivers are either frozen over, or too cold to brave a dip most of the year, so it’s not surprising that we gravitate towards water during the summer.

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But interestingly, summer also marks the busiest time of year for Canada’s municipal water service providers—somewhat perversely given that in many parts of the country, these are also the driest months of the year. Did you know that municipal water use doubles during the summer? This is mostly due to a steep increase in our use of water outdoors: watering gardens; washing cars; hosing down driveways’ and more.
Reduce your water footprint
If you’re looking for a reason to reduce your summer water footprint, making the connection between the water that flows from the garden hose and the source from which it comes is a good place to start. The water we use to green our lawns comes from a place where other species depend on it as well. Indeed, the water that flows from your garden hose might even trace back to your favorite lake or riverside getaway where it provides vital habitat for local fish, and supports a productive ecosystem.
Securing the health of Canada’s freshwater ecosystems requires a collaborative effort; every one of us can take action–both big and small–to be part of the solution.
-This summer, consider opting for a low-maintenance, water-wise garden (do a google search on xeriscaping).
-Instead of using the hose to wash your car, give the old bucket-and-sponge method a try.
-As for cleaning your driveway, a broom can make it as immaculate as any driveway ever needs to be.
-And finally, be sure to reward your valiant efforts by visiting your local lake or river and enjoy a well deserved swim and a paddle!