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Tag: solar power

Gwich’in Wellness Centre solar project: Investment in a sunnier future
If Thomas Edison made the case for solar power back in the 1930s, when the worst that could be imagined was that fossil fuels might be exhausted, imagine his endorsement now, when the urgency of climate change requires bold, transformative action in order to reconcile energy demand with supply and increasingly source.

What else could we do with the $379 billion slated for expanding the tar sands?
One of the most valuable things I learned from my Economics professors was the concept of opportunity costs: when you chose to spend your money on one thing (that boxed set of DVDs, perhaps), then it means you have to forgo something else (like paying down your line of credit). We are all familiar with this need to make choices at the personal level, but the principle is equally valid at the level of society as a whole. The challenge here is that the dollar figures quickly get so eye-glazing large that it’s hard to picture what alternatives are available.