Tell Me Tuesday: Green Gifts for the Holidays

Over the years, my family has evolved our holiday gift-giving to create as little waste as possible.  We try to buy unpackaged gifts, and reuse the same gift bags year after year until they fall apart (literally) – we even leave the name tags on the bags so we don’t have to create new ones!

(C) WWF-Canon/ Richard Stonehouse
This year we’re trying to move to even more waste-free gifts by giving each other experiential gifts (I’d tell you what I’m planning but my family actually reads this blog so I don’t’ want to give anything away) – things like trips or lessons or spa days (hint, hint).
Still, I do like to give a few friends some gifts, and I’m on the hunt for green, sustainable, social-conscious gifts.  Do you have any ideas you can share?  We’d love to include them in our green gift guide, which will be available soon!