Tell Me Tuesday: What Inspires You?

I have to say, there are a lot of days when reading excessive amounts of news (for my job and to feed my media addiction) gets me a bit down.  Between the ongoing battle with climate change deniers (seriously?) to the ongoing threats to Canadian environmental legislation to the loss of urban green space, it can be a tad depressing.  It can be all too easy to think that these problems are far too big for me to do anything about, far too complex for one person to make a difference.
Fortunately, I’ve found a very effective solution to these doldrums: getting inspired, namely: puppies and awesome co-workers.
The puppies thing is pretty self-explanatory, I think.  I mean, who can look at this face and still feel bad?

Stanley the puppy, just hanging out, making everyone feel good (c) Riannon John
The only downside is that bonding with my new puppy makes me want to stay home and play all day, not come to work and do my best to actually address these issues.
Hence part 2 of my solution: awesome co-workers.  As you’ve probably already deduced, there are a lot of very cool people here at WWF (both in Canada and around the world), and spending time with them is downright inspiring.  Not only are the experts in their fields who really care about the planet and want everyone to make smart, ecologically and economically sound choices, but they’re also pretty fun.  Case in point: #pandaband.  That’s right.  A few members of the panda crew have gotten together and started a band.  They played their first official gig last month (minus their regular panda bassist, who unfortunately broke her arm before the show), and it was brilliant!
We also have folks who tag sturgeon for fun, bicycle to the Arctic, dive with whales and sharks, enjoy musical theatre, take photographs, and row competitively.  All that on top of working all day, every day, for a living planet.  Pretty inspirational, right?  Who wouldn’t want to come to work with these people?
So, we want to know: what inspires you?