Tell Me Tuesday: How do you beat the heat?

While many of us enjoy the comforts of air conditioning, it’s not an option for everyone, and certainly comes with financial and footprint costs.
Since I’m trying to avoid using AC at home as much as possible, I’ve come up with a few fun ways to “beat the heat.”  I take my dogs down to the beach so we can all go in the water, or – if that’s not an option – get out the Disney Princess wading pool and let the pups cool down.  I enjoy refreshing drinks on shady patios with friends, and spend a lot of time lounging on the tiles on my kitchen floor.  I try to avoid using the stove or oven and eat lots of popsicles.
My favourite solution is to go visit friends at their cottages – and I’m lucky enough to have some very generous cottage-owning friends.  I spent last weekend out near the Kawarthas, where some friends have bought land and plan to build a cottage.  We spent most of the day lounging on the dock, jumping into the river whenever we got too hot, grazing on unhealthy food.  Even the dogs got into the action, eating everything they could beg, borrow or steal, and spending time in the water.  It was the perfect way to spend a scorching day.

Stella is a champion swimmer who jumps in all on her own (hence the lifejacket) ©Riannon John/WWF-Canada

Stanley, the puppy, had his first swim and seemed to like it – but wet dog isn’t his best look © Riannon John/WWF-Canada

Since I can’t impose on my friends every weekend this summer and many of us can’t get out of town all the time, we want to know: what’s your secret to beating the heat?