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WWF-Canada Blog

Tag: science

Denial on the rocks and the deadly cocktail that’s impairing our oceans
On October 3rd, a review from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) was released, warning about the alarming growth of multiple threats to our oceans, including warming, unprecedented rates of acidification, pollution, overfishing and destructive fishing practices.

Killer whales or ‘snow birds’?
As fall descends on the Arctic, WWF-Canada continues to track a killer whale pod as they head south for the winter.

Taking the helm: climate change and Canada’s oceans
Not long ago, a group of WWF staff and supporters were snug on a boat tucked into a safe harbour, while hurricane-force winds raged nearby on the northern BC coast. We were cozy but the scene was still unsettling, because this was a winter-scale storm. And it was still summer.

Freshwater Health Assessment: The Thames River Story
The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority explains what the Thames River's Freshwater Health Assessment scores mean on the river

Canada Can Rise to the World’s Climate Challenge. But First it Must Step Up.
WWF-Canada President & CEO David Miller responds to a report released today by Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) that confirms that humans are the driving force behind climate change.