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Tag: offshore drilling

For the love of whales: avoiding conflict in the Arctic
To many, the Arctic is a new frontier of economic opportunity. But while these opportunities may bring critical new job and resources to the local peoples, they also bring new risks to the people and wildlife that call the Arctic home.

A close call for the Kulluk: Better planning needed before more oil and gas traffic in Arctic waters
Like anyone who cares about the beautiful animals and pristine coast line of Canada’s oceans, the recent (and ongoing) Kulluk incident off the coast of Alaska got me very concerned.

Arctic oil rush premature
Industry’s renewed interest in offshore exploration in the Arctic seems surprising and premature. This is not the right time to rush headlong into risky oil exploitation ventures.

NEB report provides “relief” on Arctic offshore drilling
Two years ago, the major oil companies asked the National Energy Board to do away with a very important policy to protect the Arctic environment. Last week, the National Energy Board said no.