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Tag: G20

G20: Climate Stagnation
The latest G20 meeting has ended with only a few brief words about the green economy and a recycled statement on fossil fuel subsidies. It’s not enough. Sustainable economic recovery will need serious commitments on climate change, climate finance and support for low-carbon fuels.

Video: Are the world leaders serious about “green economy”?
Breaking any addiction is difficult -- especially the coal, oil and gas addiction that is the main cause of climate change. The world’s most powerful economies met over three days in Canada to talk about pressing issues such as security and economic recovery. Environment was not on top of their minds.

Canadians say: We told you so
The G8 and G20 Summits were by no means revolutionary on climate change, environment, biodiversity, or energy transformation. But if there's one thing that came of this, it's that Canadians are completely aware that climate change is a top-of-mind issue, and that the world leaders are out of step with this thinking.

A skeleton , a pool of water and a powerful environmental message: The creation of the Ice Bear Project
The Ice Bear Project came to me as an idea when I was working and studying on the sea ice off Bylot Island in early May 2009. As a sculptor, it is easy to create beauty, most particularly when one is working in an environment of such extreme majesty, with breathtaking views: bears, seals, bird life and marine life, bergs, rocks, cliffs and the the people... TOTAL magnificence. But when I learned from my Inuit guides of the increasing fragility of the ice, and saw first hand the effects of a changing climate, I realized that my body of work would be incomplete without producing something that will shout about the issue.

Marching for a clean energy economy
It's a strange thing to be in Toronto for a G8/G20 summits. In a way it feels almost like a medieval scene. Each day motorcades of world leaders races through the city, parting pedestrians and traffic. It isn't hard to imagine ancient royalty being pulled by several horse-drawn chariots.